How Can Entrepreneurs in Southern California Leverage the E2 Visa for Business Growth?

Immigration Law

What is an E2 Visa?

An E2 visa is specifically called an “E-2 Investor Visa.” This visa allows an individual to enter and work in the United States based on an investment in a United States business. One must possess specific qualifications to have an E2 Visa in America. This visa is valid for three months to five years, depending on the country of origin. It is important to note that this visa can be extended indefinitely. The most significant qualification for the visa is that the investment in the United States selected business must be deemed “substantial.” There is legally no defined minimum, but it must be considered “substantial.” The wording can sound tricky, so working with an experienced business law attorney to understand what is considered “substantial” when applying for this specific type of visa is essential. The investment should be significant enough for new startups to open and conduct business for the new organization. Since there is no minimum investment value, it must be sufficient to open and operate the company, at least while it starts. The United States Citizenship and Immigration website has more information on who is eligible for E-2 visas and how to determine if your investment is deemed “substantial” enough for visa consideration.

Who Else is Eligible for an E-2 Visa?

It is important to note that E-2 visas are also available to non-investor employees of the business. However, they must be of the same nationality as the investor and destined for a top-of-the-line role in the business. This can be positions such as executive or supervisor. The individual must possess specialized skills to bring to the United States for this business opening and daily operation. Otherwise, the E-2 visa does not apply to other business, company, or organization workers.

It is also valuable to know that the applicant of the E-2 visa must be a citizen of a treaty country. This means that the country of origin must have some qualifying treaty with the United States. The Department of State website will list applicable countries with which the United States has set treaties. The following countries are ones with which the United States does not have any treaties: China, India, Brazil, and Russia.

How Can Having an E-2 Visa Benefit My Business?

With an E-2 visa, you and your immediate family can legally live anywhere in the United States. This means you get to come, as well as your spouse and unmarried children under 21. You can work in the United States, and your spouse will also be eligible for a worker’s permit. Your children will have access to schools and universities. Besides the family benefits, having an E-2 visa can benefit your business drastically. You can stay in the United States for life if you so choose. Your business will never have to have only one worker since your spouse is equally allowed to work with you as well. When of age, your children can also work for your business. Since there is no minimum investment amount to qualify for this specific visa, some companies can get an E-2 visa with minimal investments. This can be a particular pro for getting an E-2 visa, especially if your business is starting and you haven’t made enough money to invest more into it yet. With the E-2 visa, you can leverage your entrepreneurial business by having a designated location for years to come and the ability to add on more workers as time goes on.

The best way to leverage your business is the ability to invest in and own the business at the same time. This will help you produce excellent results and help leverage your business to its most incredible capability. Working with an experienced business law attorney can help you understand how the E-2 visa can help leverage your business and how to apply for one in the United States.

We Want to Help You Here at Element Law, PC

We understand how confusing and time-consuming planning for an E-2 visa can be. We’ve seen it all and know firsthand how applying for a visa can feel intimidating and stressful. We want you to feel in good hands during this time. We are here to support you, your family, and your business needs. You can feel safer here with our experienced business law firm. We have lawyers who are passionate advocates for your and your businesses’ safety and are determined to help you with your field of work and to get you here as fast as possible. We want to see your business thrive in the United States. We pride ourselves on helping businesses every single day. Here at Element Law, PC, we have your best interest in mind when working with you to try and help you leverage your business as quickly as possible. We understand that each situation is on a case-by-case basis. Working with an experienced business lawyer can help you proceed with your visa process. We want to help you get your E-2 visa today. To learn more about business needs, applying for an E-2 visa, and leveraging your business, contact an experienced business lawyer for a 15-minute complimentary call at Element Law, PC, today by calling 760-487-1120.

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